Saturday, December 6, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008


Aquí esta el bosquejo para la Presentación Sacramental para la Primaria para el 2009!


Que bendición que hemos tenido tantos bautismos! Este domingo a las 4 de la tarde todos están invitados al bautismo de Christian Patino en la capilla de Brookside.

Actividad para la Primaria

El sábado 6 de diciembre La Primaria tendrá su actividad de noche en Jerusalén.
La actividad será de 4-6 de la tarde. Para mas información llamen a la secretaria de la Primaria, Hermana Liliana Ibarra. Allí nos vemos!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Re-dedicación del Templo de la Cuidad de México

Muchos de nosotros tuvimos la oportunidad de asistir la re-dedicación del Templo de la Cuidad de México por satélite en Brookside. Fue una experiencia bellísima. Escuchar las palabras de nuestro Profeta Thomas S. Monson fue muy especial. Y que coro! Wow!!! De veras, escuchar todo eso en español fue algo precioso. Se sentía el espíritu tan fuerte y en ese día estábamos en el Templo de la Cuidad de México!

Encontré una información acerca de este templo y para los que están interesados, aquí esta (en Ingles).

Location: Avenida 510 no. 90, Colonia San Juan de Aragón, México City, Distrito Federal, México.
Phone Number: (52) 555-747-5031.
Site: 7 acres.
Exterior Finish: White cast stone made with ornate adaptations of ancient Mayan designs especially on the upper portion of the temple.
Temple Design: Modern adaptation of ancient Mayan architecture.
Number of Rooms: Four ordinance rooms and eleven sealing.
Total Floor Area: 116,642 square feet.
Announcement: 3 April 1976
Groundbreaking and Site Dedication: 25 November 1979 by Boyd K. Packer
Public Open House: 9–19 November 1983
Dedication: 2–4 December 1983 by Gordon B. Hinckley
Public Open House: 20 October–8 November 2008
Rededication: 16 November 2008 by Thomas S. Monson

Temple Locale

Characterized by its highly ornamented Mayan-inspired exterior, the México City México Temple is an acclaimed landmark in northeastern Mexico City, located near Bosque de Aragón—one of the city's principal parks. The temple grounds are park-like themselves, featuring beautiful gardens and an enchanting water feature. Several other Church buildings share the "Manzana del Templo" (Temple Square) including a missionary training center, stake center, patron housing facility, and an informative visitors' center—free to the public. The visitors' center's centerpiece is a supernal reproduction of Thorvaldsen's Christus statue. During Christmas, the grounds are decorated with hundreds of thousands of lights in a festive display of the season.

Temple Facts

The México City México Temple was the first temple built in Mexico.

The México City México Temple is the largest temple outside of the United States.

The México City México Temple is one of five temples featuring an angel Moroni statue holding the gold plates. (The other four temples are the Los Angeles California Temple, Washington D.C. Temple, Jordan River Utah Temple, and Seattle Washington Temple.)

Even since endowments were first given in Spanish in 1945 in the Mesa Arizona Temple, faithful Mexican saints looked forward with anticipation to the time when they might be blessed with a temple in their own country.

When Church architect Emil B. Fetzer received the assignment to design the México City México Temple, he turned to a book on Mayan architecture, which Heber Grant Taylor and his wife felt inspired to give him 18 years earlier from the library of his grandfather President Heber J. Grant.

An incredible 9,000 attended the one-hour groundbreaking ceremony of the México City México Temple. Elder Boyd K. Packer offered the prayer dedicating the site in Spanish.

During its 10-day open house, more than 110,000 visitors toured the México City México Temple including thousands of government, business, and civic leaders. Mission presidents estimated 2,900 requested visits as a direct result of the open house.

At the dedication of the México City México Temple, Elder Ezra Taft Benson received the distinct impression that God was not pleased with Church members' neglect of the Book of Mormon. Stressing the importance of the Book of Mormon would later become one of the hallmarks of his presidency.

Following its completion, the México City México Temple received an international award for artistic use of precast concrete.

The México City México Temple has received favorable attention from the school of architecture at the University of Mexico, becoming the subject of much study.

In March 2007, the México City México Temple was closed for a year-and-a-half renovation and remodeling project, which included seismic enhancements, replacement of the precast concrete exterior panels, refurbishment of the angel Moroni statue, revamping of the landscaping, and remodeling of the baptistry, main lobby, corridors, sealing rooms, and ordinance rooms.

By its 25th anniversary, the México City México Temple had dropped at least eight feet in elevation due to the rapid subsidence of Mexico's capital city.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


La Cena de Acción de Gracias para todo el Barrio Delta sera el 22 de noviembre del 2008 a las 5 de la tarde.


Este domingo tuvimos la Presentación Sacramental de la Primaria. Felicitaciones a todos que participaron!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Las creencias básicas

Las creencias básicas

Tal vez usted se pregunte en qué creen los miembros de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días. Algunas de las creencias básicas de la Iglesia son:

* Dios es nuestro Padre Celestial. Nos ama y desea que regresemos a vivir con Él.
* Jesucristo es el Hijo de Dios; Él es nuestro Salvador y nos redime de la muerte debido a la resurrección. Él nos salva del pecado a medida que nos arrepentimos.
* Por medio de la expiación de Jesucristo, podemos volver a vivir con Dios si es que guardamos Sus mandamientos.
* El Espíritu Santo nos ayuda a reconocer la verdad.
* Los primeros principios y ordenanzas del Evangelio son fe en Jesucristo, arrepentimiento, bautismo y la recepción del Espíritu Santo.
* La Iglesia de Jesucristo ha sido restaurada a la tierra.
* La autoridad del sacerdocio de Dios está presente en Su Iglesia de hoy así como lo estuvo en la iglesia original.
* La Biblia y el Libro de Mormón son la palabra de Dios.
* En la actualidad Dios revela Su voluntad a los profetas del mismo modo que lo hizo en la antigüedad.
* Nuestra vida tiene un propósito sagrado.
* Las familias pueden estar juntas para siempre.
* Por medio del servicio a los demás experimentamos gozo y nos acercamos a Dios

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